Webmaster of PlasmaTVBuyingGuide.com
I am very thankful I found the excellent Adrotate.net banner rotation
software, I had previously used 2 other scripts which were extremely
unreliable and very difficult to install. Adrotate is a dream, you do not
have to worry about any script installation and features are very easy to
navigate and set-up. I would have no hesitation in recommending Adrotate
for your banner advertisements.
Webmaster from VelocityJournal.com
AdRotate.net really impressed me! I have been running ad campaigns on my site for years, but could
never track their performance. AdRotate.net enabled me to fine tune the ads so that it could
maximize my revenue. In the 3 months I have been using AdRotate.net, I have seen my ad revenue
increase about 32%.
President of SoftwareManiacs.com
I use AdRotate.net to rotate my own company promotions. Its worked out great, I am able to
track, analyze, act, and re-act. AdRotate.net is very cost effective for us. I would
recommend it to any site owner.